A study was undertaken to examine the nature and extent of post-harvest losses in onion supply chain in the Jhunjhunu\rdistrict which is major onion district of Rajasthan. A total sample size of 75 onion growers, 20 wholesalers and 25 retailers were\rtaken from Jhunjhunu district. Maximum aggregate post-harvest losses (23.62 kg/q) have been found at producer level due to\rfaulty storage, lack of adequate transportation, drying, improper handling of the produce at the time of marketing, rotted\rbulbs, doubles, bolters, poor packing facilities, injury at the time of harvesting and de-topping. Total losses in the supply\rchain were estimated to be 29.02 kg/q (81.39%) losses were observed at farm level and rest were contributed at wholesale and\rretail level. The farm level post harvest losses excluding the losses at farm level storage for Jhunjhunu district was estimated\rto be 26676.96q for the year 2009-10.
SHARMA, S., & SHUKLA, R. (2017). Economics of post harvest losses in onion inJhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 10(1), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.15740/has/ijcbm/10.1/15-19
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