(Article History: Received August 25, 2021; Revised Sept 17, 2021; Accepted Sept 20, 2021) ABSTRAKVirgin coconut oil merupakan minyak kelapa murni.VCO mengandung Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA) yang memiliki pengaruh dalam meningkatkan sistem imunitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek imunomodulator VCO terhadap aktivitas fagositosis dan nilai titer antibodi pada tikus jantan. Kelompok uji bersihan karbon dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dengan masing-masing terdiri dari 5 tikus yaitu kelompok suspensi CMC Na 0,5%, Imboost dosis 30 mg/kgBB, virgin coconut oil 5 ml/KgBB, 10 ml/KgBB,15 ml/KgBB. Perlakuan diberikan sehari sekali selama tujuh hari dan hari ke delapan dilakukan uji imunomodulator dengan metode bersihan karbon. Kelompok perlakuan uji titer antibodi sama seperti di atas selain kontrol positif menggunakan levamisole dosis 25 mg/kgBB diberikan secara oral selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa VCO 5 ml/KgBB, 10 ml/KgBB, 15 ml/KgBB meningkatkan aktivitas fagositosis sel makrofag dibandingkan dengan Na-CMC 0,5% (P<0,05) dan berpengaruh secara signifikan meningkatkan pembentukan antibodi sel imun tikus jantan.Kata Kunci: Virgin coconut oil; imunomodulator; fagositosis; titer antibodi ABSTRACTVirgin coconut oil (VCO) is pure coconut oil. VCO contains Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA) which has an influence increased immune system. This study was to determine the immunomodulatory effect of VCO on phagocytic activity and antibody titer values in male rats.The carbon clearance test group was divided into 5 groups with 5 rats each of 0.5% CMC Na suspension, Imboost dose of 30 mg/kgBW, Virgin coconut oil 5 ml/KgBW, 10 ml/KgBW, 15 ml/KgBW. The treatment was given once a day for seven days, on the eight day immunomodulatory test was performed use carbon clearance method. The antibody titer test treatment group was same, except for the positive control, levamisole at a dose of 25 mg/kgBW orally for 14 days. The results showed that VCO 5 ml/KgBB, 10 ml/KgBB, 15 ml/KgBB significantly increased macrophage cell phagocytic activity compared to 0.5% Na-CMC (P<0.05) and could increase cell antibody formation immunity of male mice significantly.Keywords: Virgin coconut oil; immunomodulator; phagocytosis; antibody titer
Sebayang, L. B., & Hasibuan, A. S. (2021). Uji Efek Imunumodulator Vco (Virgin Coconut Oil) Pada Tikus Jantan. JURNAL BIOS LOGOS, 11(2), 139. https://doi.org/10.35799/jbl.v11i2.35663
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