A good leader is needed for public institutions today more than any time. The factors such as change in individual and social values, variation and increase in the needs and expectations of individuals, unbelievable developments in the fields of technology and communication, increase in transportation possibilities increased the need for good leaders in public institutions. Turkish National Police, responsible for the peace and security in the public including the chaos and crisis atmospheres requires good leaders to direct its working group of 250,000 personnel in a way to ensure a high productivity and performance and to provide a more qualified public service. In this study it is emphasized that good leadership is one of the ways to get rid of chaos and complexity. The need for police leadership and the features that need to exist in police leaders are described in the light of various studies in the literature.
Terkeşli, R. (2014). Chaos, complexity and police leadership. In Springer Proceedings in Complexity (pp. 159–164). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-7362-2_20
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