In 1962 Umberto Eco published Opera aperta, an essaydevoted to the analysis of the relationship addresser – addresseethrough the artwork, in accordance with the philosophicalthought of the moment. The transfer to architecture,from a semantic perspective, did not take long to come,and several consequences of this new understanding ofthe discipline can be highlighted in the theoretical and thepractical fields. Driven by the economic and productiveconditions, works were ascribed to a systematic nature ofthe project, where the indeterminacy of form enlarged thestudy of its possibilities. This article analyses this fact throughthree case studies: The Venice Hospital project, by LeCorbusier and Guillermo Jullian de la Fuente, the Universityof Toulouse-Le-Mirail constructed by the team Candilis-Josic-Woods, and the Alison and Peter Smithson’s Kuwaiturban studies and government offices.
Domingo Calabuig, D., & Castellanos Gómez, R. (2013). Obra abierta: del pensamiento al proyecto. Palimpsesto, (07), 10–11.
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