Preparation and catalytic property of ZnAlCe ternary complex oxide porous materials based on rape pollen biotemplates

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Porous ZnAlCe ternary composite oxide was successfully prepared by a simple and mild technology based on microwave-crystallization and co-precipitation through in situ growth and calcination using rape pollen as biotemplate and LDHs as precursors. Morphology and structure of the as-prepared sample were characterized by SEM, FT-IR, XRD, EDX, XPS and N2 adsorption and desorption analysis. The results show that the synthesized ZnAlCe ternary composite oxide can copy micro and nano structure of the rape pollen surface and form hierarchical holes with the pore size within 2-150 nm, between mesoporous and macroporous, and the specific surface area at 112.94 m2/g. Moreover, ZnAlCe ternary complex oxide has good crystallinity and crystal structure. The porous complex oxide ZnAlCe was then applied to catalyze α-pinene oxidation using 30wt% hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. It is showed that the α-pinene conversion rate reaches 61.81%, and the selectivity of 2, 3 epoxypinane, verbenol, verbenone is 40.54%, 27.36% and 32.10%, respectively, under the α-pinene/H2O2 molar ratio of 1:1.4 using 15.0 mg ZnAlCe as catalyst being dissolved in 2 mL ethyl acetate/H2O (volume ratio was 4:1) at 30℃ for 4 h.




Duan, S. C., Meng, Z. Z., Xie, J., & Chen, C. X. (2015). Preparation and catalytic property of ZnAlCe ternary complex oxide porous materials based on rape pollen biotemplates. Wuji Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Inorganic Materials, 30(4), 420–426.

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