2 , muhadi@stikes-yrsds.ac.id 3 , yustina.rumiati@gmail.com 4 abstract Delta Surya Sidoarjo Hospital is a type C hospital, with a medical records room area of 33 m2, which has facilities including: tables, chairs, wardrobes and others. Where the medical records workspace is often found piles of inpatient Medical Record Files, on the table and on the floor. With a limited area, the Medical Record workspace looks more narrow, because many piles of inpatient medical record files are not yet processed. With such conditions, the access road for Medical Recorders is increasingly less flexible. In addition, the security of medical record files is not guaranteed and is very vulnerable to loss of medical record files. Based on the description of the problem above, it becomes the basis for researchers to conduct research on the evaluation of medical records workspace based on aspects of office layout at Delta Surya Hospital Sidoarjo. With a high enough workload can result in work fatigue and will also result in health problems. To minimize these adverse effects, it takes real efforts from the hospital. One effort that can be done is to pay more attention to work environment factors. This study aims to redesign the medical recorder workspace based on aspects of office layout at Delta Surya Sidoarjo Hospital. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research, the subject of this study is the medical recorder workspace at the Delta Surya Hospital Sidoarjo. The instrument of this study used observation sheets and questionnaire sheets. In this study the observation sheet is used to find out the object of research directly, so that researchers easily understand the implementation process in the field. Data presented later based on field surveys will be compared with theory.
Asri, Y. B., Susilowati, I., & Firmansyah, R. N. (2020). EVALUASI RUANG KERJA BAGIAN REKAM MEDIS RAWAT INAP BERDASARKAN ASPEK TATA RUANG KANTOR DI RUMAH SAKIT DELTA SURYA SIDOARJO. Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia, 8(1), 36. https://doi.org/10.33560/jmiki.v8i1.249
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