Reproductive efficiency of goats of German fawn breed was established based on reproduction parameters: age of goats at first mating and first kidding, duration of gestation, kidding interval, number of kids in the litter and mass of kids at birth and weaning. Average age of goats at first mating was 242 days, and first kidding 398,1 days. Duration of gestation was in average 151,6 days, and kidding interval 337 days, which is characteristic for dairy goat breeds. Number of kids in litter varied from 1 to 4, and in average it was 1,96 kids. Average mass of kids at birth was 3,38 and differed significantly depending on the sex, type of birth and order of kidding (parity), whereas the mass of kids at weaning was 18,39 kg and was under the influence of sex and type of birth. Based on presented reproductive indices of German fawn goats in Vojvodina, it can be concluded that this breed has adjusted well to local conditions and that they realize results similar to those obtained in Germany, the country of origin. .Reproduktivna efikasnost koza nemacke sarene rase je utvrdjena na osnovu parametera reprodukcije: starosti koza pri prvom pripustu i prvom jarenju, duzine bremenitosti, intervala jarenja, broja jaradi u leglu, mase jaradi na rodjenju i na zalucenju. Prosecna starost koza pri prvom pripustu iznosila je 242 dana, a pri prvom jarenju 398,1 dan. Duzina bremenitosti je u proseku iznosila 151,6 dana, a interval jarenja 337 dana, sto je karakteristicno za mlecne rase koza. Broj jaradi u leglu se kretao u intervalu 1-4, a prosecno je iznosio 1,96 jaradi. Prosecna masa jaradi pri rodjenju iznosila je 3,38 i znacajno se razlikovala u zavisnosti od pola, tipa rodjenja i jarenja po redu (pariteta), dok je masa jaradi pri zalucenju iznosila 18, 39 kg i bila je uslovljena polom i tipom rodjenja. Na osnovu prikazanih reproduktivnih pokazatelja koza nemacke sarene rase u Vojvodini, moze se zakljuciti da se ova rasa veoma dobro aklimatizovala, i da postize rezultate slicne onima u Nemackoj, zemlji iz koje potice. .
Cinkulov, M., Nebesni, A., Krajinovic, M., Pihler, I., & Zujovic, M. (2009). Reproductive traits of German fawn goats in Vojvodina. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 25(1–2), 119–124.
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