A 48-yr integration was performed using the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory SKYHI troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM with an imposed zonal momentum forcing designed to produce a quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the tropical stratosphere. In response to this forcing, the model generates a QBO in the tropical circulation that includes some very realistic features, notably the asymmetry between the strength of the descending easterly and westerly shear zones, and the tendency for the initial westerly accelerations to appear quite narrowly confined to the equator. The extratropical circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter stratosphere is affected by the tropical QBO in a manner similar to that observed. In particular, the polar vortex is generally weaker in winters in which there are easterlies in the tropical middle stratosphere. Roughly two-thirds of the largest midwinter polar warmings occur when the equatorial 30-mb winds are easterly, again in rough agreement with observations. Despite this effect, however, the total interannual variance in the zonal-mean extratropical circulation in the model apparently is slightly decreased by the inclusion of the tropical QBO. The observed QBO dependence of the winter-mean stratospheric extratropical stationary wave patterns is also quite well reproduced in the model. The QBO was also found to have a profound influence on stratospheric stationary waves at low latitudes. Near and above 10 mb the NH stationary waves were found to penetrate across the equator during the westerly QBO phase, but to be restricted to latitudes poleward of ∼ 10°N during the easterly phase. This means that the equatorial QBO in prevailing wind near and above 10 mb has a significant zonally asymmetric component. If this is also true in the real atmosphere, there are important implications for the adequacy of the current observational rawindsonde network near the equator. Analysis of the zonal-mean zonal momentum budget in the tropical stratosphere reveals that the resolved waves in the model are strong enough to force the realized accelerations through much of the QBO cycle. The exception appears to be the easterly acceleration phase below about 20 mb. The implications of this for the generation of a self-consistent QBO by GCMs will be considered. The effects of the imposed QBO on the troposphere were found to be very modest. There does appear to be a statistically significant weakening (by ∼1 m s-1) of the high-latitude winter vortex in the middle and upper troposphere. Given the very high predictability of the stratospheric QBO itself, this effect could possibly be used to enhance the skill of seasonal weather forecasts. No significant QBO influence was found in the model precipitation field.
Hamilton, K. (1998). Effects of an imposed quasi-biennial oscillation in a comprehensive troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere general circulation model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55(14), 2393–2418. https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0469(1998)055<2393:EOAIQB>2.0.CO;2
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