Angkak dimanfaatkan sebagai pewarna pangan, antibakteri dan menurunkan kolesterol, diharapkan juga mampu mempengaruhi kualitas mikroba dan dan rasa se’i daging sapi (daging asap). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji rasa dan kualitas mikroba Coliform dan Salmonella sei sapi yang ditambahkan beberapa level angkak (pengganti saltpeter) dengan lama penyimpanan berbeda dan kombinasi terbaik. Materi yaitu daging sapi Bali dari otot paha (Biceps femoris), angkak, saltpeter, garam dan ketumbar. Peralatan drum pengasapan (modifikasi) dan peralatan dapur. Eksperimen dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola factorial 5 x 4 dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan angkak terdiri dari 0%, 1%, 1,5%, 2% dan 2,5% dan lama simpan 3, 5,7 dan 9 hari. Hasil penelitian, nilai rasa se’i dipengaruhi kombinasi penambahan angkak dan lama simpan. Rasa se’i meningkat pada penambahan angkak pada level 1,5 – 2% angkak dan lama simpan 3 dan 5 hari penilaian panelis dari suka ke sangat suka dan cenderung menurun pada lama simpan 7 dan 9 hari meskipun penilaian panelis masih suka ke agak suka. Bakteri Coliform dan Salmonella tidak terdeteksi pada se’i. Disimpulkan, kombinasi ekstrak angkak dengan lama simpan mempengaruhi nilai rasa se’i (sangat suka) dan tidak mempengaruhi bakteri Coliform dan Salmonella yang terdeteksi negatif. Terbaik pada ekstrak angkak 2%, lama penyimpanan 5 hari. Angkak is used as food coloring, antibacterial and lowering cholesterol, it is also expected to be able to affect the microbial quality and taste of beef se'i (smoked meat). The purpose of the study was to examine the taste and quality of Coliform and Salmonella se’i microbes in beef which were added with several levels of Angkak (saltpeter substitute) with different storage times and the best combination. The material is Balinese beef from thigh muscles (Biceps femoris), Angkak, saltpeter, salt and coriander. Smoke drum equipment (modification) and kitchen utensils. The experiment was designed using a completely randomized design with a factorial pattern of 5 x 4 and 3 replications. The treatment of Angkak consisted of 0%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% and the shelf life of 3, 5.7 and 9 days. The results of the study, the taste value of se'i was influenced by the combination of the addition of Angkak and the length of storage. The taste of se'i increased with the addition of Angkak at the level of 1.5 – 2% of Angkak and the shelf life of 3 and 5 days, the panelist's assessment was from like to like very much and tended to decrease in the shelf life of 7 and 9 days, although the panelist's assessment still liked to somewhat like. Coliform bacteria and Salmonella were not detected in se'i. It was concluded, the combination of Angkak extract with storage time affected the taste value of se'i (very liked) and did not affect Coliform and Salmonella bacteria which were detected negatively. Best at 2% Angkak extract, 5 days of storage. Keywords: Angkak, Beef se’i, Microbiological quality, Shelf life, Taste
Sabtu, B., Suryatni, N. P. F., & Konda Malik, A. (2022). Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Angkak dan Lama simpan Terhadap Nilai Rasa, Kualitas Bakteri Coliform dan Salmonella Se’i Daging Sapi. Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering, 4(2), 2172–2180.
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