Este trabajo aborda la tema?tica de la mujer artista latinoamericana y cariben?a y su presencia en la esfera de la mu?sica, principalmente como inte?rprete vocal o instrumental y compositora. Se resaltan dos conceptos en el reflejo de la participacio?n arti?stica de la mujer: la representacio?n como modelo de la belleza fi?sica, y la de representante activa en su funcio?n de sujeto actuante al crear y reproducir la realidad del entorno, incluida su propia problema?tica social. Se explica co?mo las egresadas de las instituciones de formacio?n musical, integran las agrupaciones musicales, incluidas las constituidas totalmente por personal femenino. La investigacio?n se apoya en una metodologi?a anali?tica comparativa, histo?rica y musicolo?gica. Concluye en que Ame?rica Latina y el Caribe se coloca a la vanguardia de esta evolucio?n; donde la profundizacio?n de los procesos socio-poli?ticos consolidan la participacio?n de la mujer en las especialidades de la mu?sica: interpretacio?n, composicio?n, investigacio?n y ensen?anza. Palabras clave: Mujer, mu?sica, Ame?rica Latina, Caribe, inte?rprete, compositora Abstract This study focuses on the Latin American and Caribbean female artists and their presence in the field of music, primarily as vocal or instrumental performers and composers. Two concepts are highlighted in reflecting the artistic participation of women: Representation as a model of physical beauty, and active representation in their role as acting subjects at creating and reproducing the surrounding reality, including their own social issues. It is explained how the alumni of music training institutions, integrate musical groups, including the ones entirely composed of female staff. The research is based on a comparative, historical and musicological analytical methodology. It concludes that Latin America and the Caribbean stands at the forefront of this evolution; where deepening socio-political processes strengthens the involvement of women in the fields of music: Performance, composition, research and teaching. Keywords: Women, Music, Latin America, Caribbean, Singer, Songwriter.Este trabajo aborda la tema?tica de la mujer artista latinoamericana y cariben?a y su presencia en la esfera de la mu?sica, principalmente como inte?rprete vocal o instrumental y compositora. Se resaltan dos conceptos en el reflejo de la participacio?n arti?stica de la mujer: la representacio?n como modelo de la belleza fi?sica, y la de representante activa en su funcio?n de sujeto actuante al crear y reproducir la realidad del entorno, incluida su propia problema?tica social. Se explica co?mo las egresadas de las instituciones de formacio?n musical, integran las agrupaciones musicales, incluidas las constituidas totalmente por personal femenino. La investigacio?n se apoya en una metodologi?a anali?tica comparativa, histo?rica y musicolo?gica. Concluye en que Ame?rica Latina y el Caribe se coloca a la vanguardia de esta evolucio?n; donde la profundizacio?n de los procesos socio-poli?ticos consolidan la participacio?n de la mujer en las especialidades de la mu?sica: interpretacio?n, composicio?n, investigacio?n y ensen?anza. Palabras clave: Mujer, mu?sica, Ame?rica Latina, Caribe, inte?rprete, compositora Abstract This study focuses on the Latin American and Caribbean female artists and their presence in the field of music, primarily as vocal or instrumental performers and composers. Two concepts are highlighted in reflecting the artistic participation of women: Representation as a model of physical beauty, and active representation in their role as acting subjects at creating and reproducing the surrounding reality, including their own social issues. It is explained how the alumni of music training institutions, integrate musical groups, including the ones entirely composed of female staff. The research is based on a comparative, historical and musicological analytical methodology. It concludes that Latin America and the Caribbean stands at the forefront of this evolution; where deepening socio-political processes strengthens the involvement of women in the fields of music: Performance, composition, research and teaching. Keywords: Women, Music, Latin America, Caribbean, Singer, Songwriter.
Loyola Fernández, J. (2014). MUSAS DE AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE. Pensamiento Americano, 7(12).
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