Histological evaluation of platelet rich plasma and hydroxiapatite in apexogenesis: Study on experimental animals

  • Danilovic V
  • Petrovic V
  • Markovic D
  • et al.
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Background/Aim. There are very few data about the effects of endogenous growth factors in vital pulp therapy, and still they are often controversial. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in conjugation with hydroxyapatite (HAP), as pulp capping materials, to root and periodontium formation. Methods. Eight young monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) with permanent dentition and incomplete root formation were involved in this study. After pulpotomy, the pulp lesion was capped with calcium hydroxide (control), hydroxyapatite (experimental group I) or hydroxyapatite in conjugation with PRP (experimental group II). Six months later, the animals were sacrificed, the tissue was removed en block, and prepared for the histological analysis in a routine way. Results. The results of the histological analysis revealed that healing process was characterised by dentin bridge formation, maintained morphological and functional integrity of dental pulp and complete formation of dental root and surrounding periodontium. The inflammatory reaction was scored as mild to moderate, in almost all the samples in all groups, suggesting the biocompatibility of the used materials. Conclusion. Materials used in this study are convenient as capping agents, contributing maintaining the integrity of the pulp tissue and facilitating root and periodontium formation. According to histological data it could be suggested that hydroxyapatite in conjugation with endogenous growth factors, represents superior alternative to other materials used in this study.Uvod/Cilj. Podaci o primeni endogenih faktora rasta u terapiji vitalne pulpe zuba sa nezavrsenim rastom korena su veoma oskudni i cesto kontraverzni. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj plazme bogate trombocitima (PRP) u kombinaciji sa hidroksiapatitom (HAP), kao materijala za direktno prekrivanje pulpe, na zavrsetak rasta korena i formiranje okolnog parodoncijuma. Metode. Istrazivanje je obavljeno na osam mladih majmuna Cercopithecus Aethiops. Sve zivotinje imale su zube stalne denticije, sa nezavrsenim rastom korena. Nakon trepanacije pulpnog prostora, pulpa je uklonjena do nivoa gledjnocementnog spoja, a lezija u pulpi prekrivena je kalcijum hidroksidom (kontrolna grupa), hidroksiapatitom (eksperimentna grupa I) i hidroksiapatitom u kombinaciji sa autogenim PRP faktorom (eksperimentna grupa II). Sest meseci nakon amputacije pulpe, zivotinje su zrtvovane, a tkivo za histolosku analizu uzeto je u obliku blok sekcije i pripremljeno za mikroskopsku analizu. Rezultati. Zarastanje rane u pulpno-dentinskom kompleksu u obe eksperimentne i u kontrolnoj grupi bilo je karakterisano stvaranjem dentinskog mostica procesom reparativne dentinogeneze, ocuvanjem morfoloskog i funkcijskog integriteta pulpe, kao i zavrsetkom rasta korena i stvaranjem okolnog parodoncijuma. U vecini uzoraka obe grupe, zapaljenska reakcija ocenjena je kao blaga do umerena, sto govori u prilog biokompatibilnosti primenjenih materijala. Zakljucak. Svi primenjeni materijali pogodni su za direktno prekrivanje pulpe, doprinose ocuvanju njenog morfoloskog i funkcionalnog integriteta i omogucavaju zavrsetak rasta korena i formiranje okolnog parodoncijuma. Ipak, povoljniji rezultati dobijeni su u grupi koja je tretirana HAP/PRP, pa se moze reci da HAP obogacen endogenim faktorima rasta predstavlja superiorniju alternativu u odnosu na ostale materijale primenjene u ovoj studiji.




Danilovic, V., Petrovic, V., Markovic, D., & Aleksic, Z. (2008). Histological evaluation of platelet rich plasma and hydroxiapatite in apexogenesis: Study on experimental animals. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 65(2), 128–134. https://doi.org/10.2298/vsp0802128d

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