Prototypes of porous hydroxyapatite (HAp) were produced from Gypsum/PVA composite, using a mass proportion of 15% polymer. The material was obtained by means of chemical conversion in (NH4)2HPO4 0.5 mol.L-1 solution and NH4OH 6.0 mol.L-1 alkaline medium for pH control, maintained between 6.0 and 9.0. The reaction occurred at a temperature of 100°C at different test times. The obtained HAp was characterized by several techniques, such as FTIR, which identified the SO42- groups characteristic for the Gypsum block, and the PO43- groups that are attributed to the biomaterial HAp, besides XRD and SEM, which made it possible to confirm a successful conversion of the material. Tests for mechanical resistance to compression (σc) were carried out for both materials as well.
Barbosa, A. A., De Vasconcelos Ferraz, A., Dantas, A. C., & Olivier, N. C. (2014). The production of hydroxyapatite prototypes from solid bodies of gypsum/polyvinyl alcohol composites. Materials Research, 17, 39–44.
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