Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the factors related to the competency of the interprofessional collaborative practices of nurses working in convalescence rehabilitation wards. Methods: Questionnaires using «Chiba Interprofessional Competency Scale (CICS29)» were administered to 539 nurses working in convalescence rehabilitation wards. Categorical regression analysis was performed on variables that were found to significantly correlate or differ using univariate analysis. Results: The seven variables that significantly correlated with total «CICS29» scores were "years of clinical experience," "position," "Continuing interprofessional education (IPE)," "superiors support," "coworkers support," "regular information sharing," and "communication outside the hospital." These factors explained 40.3% of the total variance. Conclusion: Continuing IPE was considered to be an effective means for improving the competency of the interprofessional collaborative practices of nurses. Moreover, it is necessary to have an environment in which it is easy for people in the same profession to share support and in which there are opportunities for timely and informal interprofessional discussions. 要 旨 目的:回復期リハビリテーション病棟に勤務する看護師の多職種連携実践能力に関連する要因を明ら かにすることである. 方法:回復期リハビリテーション病棟に勤務する看護師 539 名を対象に, 《インタープロフェッショナ ルワーク実践能力評価尺度(CICS29) 》を用いて質問紙調査を実施した.単変量解析で有意な関連又は 差がみられた変数について,カテゴリカル回帰分析を行った. 結果: 《CICS29》の合計得点と関連がみられたのは, 「臨床経験年数」 , 「役職」 , 「現任教育の専門職連 携教育(IPE) 」 , 「上司のサポート」 , 「同僚のサポート」 , 「日常の情報共有」 , 「院外のコミュニケーショ 受付日:2015 年 11 月 17 日 受理日:2016 年 9 月 16 日
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Fujita, A., & Shuda, A. (2016). Factors Related to Competency of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice of Nurses Working in Convalescence Rehabilitation Ward. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 36(0), 229–237. https://doi.org/10.5630/jans.36.229