The LPD is a village economic institution that is used to collect and distribute funds in general as well as a source of development financing in almost all parts of customary village areas in Bali. Savings customers are the top priority of the LPD in the customary village of Anggungan to create Loyalty. In creating customer satisfaction and loyalty, the LPD in the customary village of Anggungan is required to implement a good and appropriate strategy, namely Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The purpose of this study to analyze the effect partially and simultaneously between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and satisfaction on customer loyalty savings. The population in this study were 1,958 savings customers. The sample was determined based on the Slovin formula with the results obtained by 95 respondents. The results of data analysis indicate that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and satisfaction simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Increasingly improving information technology strategies, namely Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty savings.
Santari, N. P. N., Suartina, I. W., & Astrama, I. M. (2021). Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management dan Kepuasan terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah LPD Desa Adat Anggungan di Badung. Widya Amrita, 1(1), 381–393.
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