Introvert bermaksud orang yang bersifat suka memendam rasa, lebih menumpukan perhatian pada diri mereka sendiri, dan tidak suka bergaul dalam kalangan masyarakat atau dunia luar. Secara umumnya orang yang bersikap introvert lebih cenderung untuk menjadi introspektif dan sibuk dengan kehidupan mereka sendiri. Terdapat beberapa kesan berkaitan dengan tingkah laku murid yang berpesonaliti introvert ini antaranya ialah menjejaskan pencapaian akademik, kokurikulum dan mereka akan mempunyai tahap sosial yang rendah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti strategi yang digunakan oleh guru dan pihak sekolah dalam menyokong pembelajaran bagi murid-murid yang berpesonaliti intovert sepanjang Covid-19. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahawa pelaksanakan Project Based Learning (PBL) semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran menjadi salah satu startegi yang boleh menyokong pembelajaran bagi murid-murid yang berpesonaliti intovert semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah sepanjang Covid-19. Teaching and Learning Management Problems for Introverted Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract: Introvert means people who like to hide their feelings, focus more on themselves, and do not like to socialize in society or the outside world. In general, people who are introverts tend to be introspective and busy with their own lives. There are several effects related to the behavior of students who are introverts, one of which is affecting academic achievement, co-curricular and they will have a low social level. This study aims to identify the strategies used by teachers and schools in supporting learning for introverted students during Covid-19. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the implementation of Project Based Learning (PBL) during the teaching and learning process is one of the strategies that can support learning for students who are introverted during the teaching and learning process at home during Covid-19. Keywords: Introvert, Project Based Learning, Teaching and Learning.
Robert, A., Alan Jok, S., Nordin, N. S., Mohamad Said, N. A., Tiri, C., Alphonsus, A. M., … Husin, M. R. (2022). Masalah Pengurusan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran bagi Murid Introvert Semasa Pandemik Covid-19. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 73–80.
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