White dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) contains flavonoids that can inhibit the action of xanthine oxidase enzymes that can reduce uric acid levels. The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of white dragon ethanol extract in decreasing uric acid level in caffeine-induced mice with dose 0.39 mg/25 g BW (body weight). White dragon fruit samples taken at the age of 50-55 days after the flower appeared. In the effectiveness test, animals were divided into five groups of treatments and induced by caffeine i.e. negatively control group induced only by caffeine, positive control group given allopurinol 0.26 mg/25 g BW, group of dose 0.455 mg/25 g BW, group of dose 0.91 mg/25 g BW, group of dose 1.82 mg/25 g BW ethanol extract of white dragon fruit. Measurements of blood uric acid levels were performed before induction (day 1), after induction or before administration of the extract (day 6) and after administration of the extract on (days 9, 12 and 15). The results showed that ethanol extract of white dragon fruit dose 1.82 mg/25 g BW could significantly lower blood uric acid levels in mice compared to dose 0.455 mg and dose 0.91 mg/25 g BW, but not significantly different with positive control (allopurinol) with percentage decrease of 92.16%. Keywords: White dragon fruit extract, blood uric acid, caffeine, allopurinol.
Amir, M., & Purukan, J. I. A. (2018). Uji Efektifitas Ekstras Etanol Buah Naga Putih (Hylocereus undatus) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Darah Pada Mencit (Mus musculus). JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, 16(2), 166. https://doi.org/10.35814/jifi.v16i2.536
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