Media social based smart DSM for strategic decision making: Waste management case

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Social media is a fact. It grows rapidly. It is not only as a communication media, but also for information exchange. One of them is Twitter. It is text-based sharing media among its users. Based on all categories of sentiment interchanged in Twitter media, central issue could be academically addressed; then, it is able to be methodically converted to become a decision support model (DSM) that is operated to solve the strategic decision problem. Here, “waste’ issues were addressed and interconnected insight-parameters were defined. Then, a DSM constructed. Combination of methods fuzzy logic and mathematic successfully used as a main approach of the model. The constructed model is finally able to evaluate a quality of waste management in Indonesia and propose an actionable decision for answering the challenge of waste in Indonesia.




Utama, D. N. (2019). Media social based smart DSM for strategic decision making: Waste management case. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7308–7312.

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