Pelayanan pengaduan warga di Kelurahan Kalumata masih manual. Warga yang mengadu harus datang ke kantor lurah untuk menjelaskan laporannya. Hal ini membuat pelayanan pengaduan belum efektif dan aksesya terbatas. Untuk menatanya agar efektif dan efesien, maka kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM membuat suatu sistem pelayanan warga berbasis website. Sistem ini bertujuan membantu warga dan pemerintah kelurahan dalam mengelola pengaduan warga. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui tahapan sosialisasi, peningkatan kapasitas staf kelurahan dalam penggunaan website, dan pelatihan pelaporan warga. Hasil dari kegiatan PKM Dosen yaitu telah dibuatkan sistem layanan pengaduan warga berbasis website yang langsung dioperasionalkan oleh Pemerintah Kelurahan Kalumata, Kecamatan Kota Ternate Selatan, Kota Ternate.Website ini sudah dapat digunakan warga dalam melaporkan berbagai keluhan seperti persoalan sampah, banjir, drainase, keamanan, dan ketertiban yang terjadi di lingkungan masing-masing. The citizen complaint service in Kalumata Village is still manual. Residents who complain must come to the sub-district office to explain their reports. This makes the complaint service ineffective and access to it limited. To arrange it to be effective and efficient, the Community Service (PKM) activity created a website-based citizen service system. This system aims to assist residents and the village government in managing citizen complaints. The implementation method is carried out through socialization stages, increasing the capacity of village staff in using the website, and citizen reporting training. The result of PKM Lecturer activities is that a website-based citizen complaint service system has been created which is directly operated by the Kalumata Village Government, South Ternate City District, Ternate.Website City can be used by residents in reporting various complaints such as garbage, flooding, drainage, security, and order problems that occur in their respective neighborhoods.
Umasugi, M., Yusuf, H. Hi., & Hi.Adam, M. D. (2023). PEMBUATAN LAYANAN PENGADUAN WARGA BERBASIS WEBSITE DI KELURAHAN KALUMATA. Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(2), 238–247.
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