Article 17 of Law-1945 assert that, granting prerogative to the president substantially limiting the powers of the president. Right as Prerogative. This can be understood broadly and narrowly. narrowly prerogative rights are only given to the president in choosing ministers - minister of state. While at large. not only the existance of the rights prerogative appointment and dismissal of ministers, but also includes the authority to run the gpvernment, ass well as matters state, including appoint ambassadors and conculs, granting pardons, amnesty, abolition and restoration, giving the title and decorations, but in the right order prerogative practice there are constraints, indicated the presence of interference from political parties support (coalitions). Under these conditions, the formulation of the problem as follows : 1 . How prerogative rights owned by the President in the preparation of the cabinet, before and after the amendment of the Act of 1945. 2. What is a constraint in implementing the prerogative of the President. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of constellation Political Rights prerogative President under Article 17 of Law - 1945. This writing method normative juridical approach. The problems in the implementation of rights prerogative president president 1 system generally occurs when the system is combined with a coalition with the party support multy-pertay system.
Sulkiah, S. (2020). Pelaksanaan Hak Prerogatif Presiden dalam Penyusunan Kabinet Berdasarkan Pasal 17 UUD 1945 Amandemen Suatu Tinjauan Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Nurani Hukum, 2(1), 42.
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