Recently, energy drink consumption is rising. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of energy drink on enamel erosion by measuring pH and titratable acidity in energy drink on the market. pH and titrable acidity in drink were measured by selecting 3 kinds of energy drinks with high sales volume among energy drinks on the domestic market. To evaluate the erosion level of normal enamel, the erosion level was measured by using a surface micro-hardness after soaking it in drink for 1 minute, for 3 minutes, for 5 minutes, for 10 minutes, and for 30 minutes while using 10 pieces of bovine specimens per each group. All the energy drinks were containing citric acid. As for pH in drinks, pH of Burn intense was the lowest with 2.51±0.01. Hotsix stood at 3.16±0.01. Redbull stood at 3.37±0.00. In pH 5.5, the titrable acidity of Burn intense was 3.59 ml. Redbull was 3.43 ml. Hotsix was 1.92 ml. All the energy drinks were reduced the surface micro-hardness according to a rise in time of immersion. Following the 30-minute treatment in drinks, the surface micro-hardness value was indicated to be the lowest in Redbull with 119.72±15.16 VHN. It was shown to be in order of Hotsix 208.75±10.99 and Burn intense 210.47±8.01. Hotsix and Burn intense had no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Accordingly, all the energy drinks, which were used in the experiment, caused the tooth enamel erosion. Among them, Redbull led to the largest enamel erosion. Thus, energy drink containing citric acid and low pH can cause the enamel erosion. However, it is thought to be necessarily progressed by considering factors of influencing etching a little more diversely by additionally analyzing intraoral factors, acid kinds, and even the content in calcium, phosphate and fluoride. 서 론 최근 세계적으로 음료시장에서 에너지음료의 소비가 증 가하고 있으며, 국내에서도 최근 5년간 음료시장에서 성장 률이 가장 높은 품목으로 2010년부터 에너지음료가 시장에 나타나면서 전통적인 음료시장의 강자인 청량음료와 과일 음료를 제치고 가장 빠르게 성장 중이다. 현재 국내 에너지음료의 시장 규모는 1,000억 원대로 성 장하였으며, 특히 청소년과 20∼30대 남성층에서 인기가 높다 1). 에너지음료란 교감신경계를 자극하는 각성물질 또는 몸 의 기운을 활성화하는 성분인 카페인, 과라나, 타우린, 인삼, 비타민 등을 함유하고 있어 집중력을 높여준다고 광고되고 있는 기능성음료의 새로운 형태를 말한다 2). 넓은 범위에서 보면 스포츠음료, 건강기능성음료와 함께 기능성음료로 분 류되긴 하지만 많은 에너지음료들은 식이보충제와 함께 설 탕과 다른 식이보충제를 첨가한 고농도의 카페인을 함유하 므로 청량음료나 스포츠음료와는 다르다 3,4). 청소년과 대학생의 에너지음료의 섭취 이유로는 졸음을 떨치기 위해서, 갈증해소를 위해서, 친구들이 마시니까, 건
Oh, H.-N., & Lee, H.-J. (2015). The Effect of Energy Drink on Enamel Erosion. Journal of Dental Hygiene Science, 15(4), 419–423.
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