AbstrakPenelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan induktif. Peneliti menganalisis representasi muslimah dalam film pendek “Ghibah”, “Istimna'”, dan web series “Akhi, Maaf Aku Menolakmu”. Peneliti mengkajinya melalui teori analisis wacana kritis model Sara Mills yang berfokus pada penempatan posisi subjek, objek, serta posisi pembaca terhadap tokoh perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi non partisipan, studi pustaka, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa persamaan penggambaran perempuan muslimah pada film pendek dan web series karya FMM Studios. Dilihat dari posisi subjek-objek para aktor dalam serial dan film pendek, muslimah dihadirkan sebagai pribadi yang independen, memiliki keteguhan hati dalam beragama, serta memiliki ruang untuk menunjukkan harkat martabatnya sebagai perempuan. Namun, diskriminasi gender masih melekat di mana muslimah masih diidentikkan pada ranah domestik, suka bergosip, diposisikan sebagai korban, bahkan digadang sebagai sumber fitnah. Sedangkan posisi pembaca yang menonton turut mengidentifikasikan dirinya menjadi tokoh muslimah yang digambrakan.Kata Kunci : Analisis Sara Mills, Muslimah, Representasi, StereotipAbstract This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive and inductive approaches. Researchers analyzed the representation of Muslim women in the short films "Ghibah", "Istimna'", and the web series "Akhi, Sorry I Rejected You". The researcher studied this through the Sara Mills model of critical discourse analysis theory which focuses on the placement of the position of the subject, object, and the position of the reader towards the female character. Data collection techniques were carried out using non-participant observation, literature study, documentation and interviews. The results of the research show that there are several similarities in the depiction of Muslim women in short films and web series by FMM Studios. Judging from the subject-object position of the actors in the series and short films, Muslim women are presented as independent individuals, have steadfastness in their religion, and have space to show their dignity as women. However, gender discrimination is still inherent, where Muslim women are still identified in the domestic sphere, like to gossip, are positioned as victims, and are even considered sources of slander. Meanwhile, the position of the reader watching also identifies her as the Muslim woman character depicted.Keywords : Sara Mills Analysis, Muslimah, Representation, Stereotypes
Firdausi, F., & Adikara, G. J. (2024). Representasi muslimah dalam web series dan film pendek di Youtube Film Maker Muslim (FMM Studios). Lektur: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.21831/lektur.v7i1.21038
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