• Gunawan Y
  • Sukartiningsih M
  • Landudjama L
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Abstrak: Peningkatan Angka Harapan Hidup di Indonesia memberikan kebaikan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat, tetapi juga berpengaruh pada pergeseran pola penyakit degenerative. Kondisi ini menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup, peningkatan biaya kesehatan, serta munculnya beragam masalah pada lansia. Salah satunya program kebijakan Pemerintah yaitu Posyandu Lansia. Pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman kader tentang pelaksanaan posyandu lansia, keaktifan lansia dan terjalinnya kerjasama lintas sector dalam meningkatkan pelayanan posyandu lansia. Kegiatan ini merupakan lanjutan dari kegiatan sebelumnya di lokasi mitra yang sama yaitu melakukan penyegaran, pendampingan, monitoring, evaluasi, dan perumusan rencana tindak lanjut terhadap posyandu lansia yang sudah dibentuk setahun sebelumnya di Kelurahan Temu, Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan selama 3 bulan (September-November 2020). Berbagai kendala ditemukan pada implementasi kegiatan terutama karena merebaknya wabah Covid-19 sehingga terjadi penurunan jumlah kunjungan lansia dan berkurangnya minat kader posyandu lansia dalam mempertahankan keberlangsungan posyandu. Kegiatan penyegaran dikhususkan kepada kader posyandu lansia dengan melakukan review pengetahuan kader tentang tujuan dibentuknya posyandu, tupoksi kader dan manfaat yang dapat dirasakan anggota posyandu. Evaluasi dilakukan pada 2 bulan terakhir, dan diperoleh adanya 88% peningkatan jumlah kunjungan lansia dan kepuasan lansia terhadap layanan posyandu, ada 92% peningkatan keaktifan lansia, dan 96% peningkatan pemahaman kader terhadap pelaksanaan posyandu dan kerjasama lintas sektor.Abstract: The increase in life expectancy in Indonesia is good for indicators of community welfare but also affects shifting patterns of degenerative diseases. This condition causes a decrease in the quality of life, increased health costs, and the emergence of various problems in the elderly. One of the government policy programs is the Elderly Integrated Health Post. This service aims to increase the understanding of cadres about the implementation of the posyandu for the elderly, the activity of the elderly, and the establishment of cross-sectoral collaboration in improving the services of the elderly posyandu. This service activity continues previous actions at the exact partner location, namely providing guidance, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation, and formulating a follow-up plan for the Elderly Integrated Health Post, formed a year earlier in Temu Village, East Sumba Regency. We carried out this activity for three months (September-November 2020). Various obstacles were found in the implementation of activities, mainly due to the outbreak of the Covid-19, resulting in a decrease in the number of elderly visits and a reduced interest in Elderly Integrated Health Post cadres in maintaining the continuity of Elderly Integrated Health Post. The coaching activity is devoted to the Elderly Integrated Health Post cadres by carrying out knowledge refresh activities about the purpose of the Elderly Integrated Health Post establishment, the cadre's primary functions, and the benefits that Elderly Integrated Health Post members can feel. The evaluation was carried out in the last two months, and and obtained an 88% increase in the number of elderly visits and elderly satisfaction with posyandu services., there was a 92% increase in the activity of the elderly and 96% increasing the understanding of cadres on the implementation of the posyandu and cross-sector collaboration.




Gunawan, Y. E. S., Sukartiningsih, M. Ch. E., & Landudjama, L. (2022). PENGEMBANGAN DESA SEHAT RAMAH LANSIA. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 6(4), 2568.

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