Rimpang Curcuma mangga Val. banyak digunakan sebagai obat herbal antikanker payudara. Penelitian aktivitas sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker payudara banyak dilakukan utamanya untuk minyak atsiri rimpang, dan hanya sedikit penelitian terhadap ekstraknya. Walaupun demikian belum ada yang membandingkan aktivitas sitotoksik dari ekstrak dan minyak atsiri tersebut terhadap sel kanker payudara; meskipun kandungan senyawa keduanya berbeda. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan aktivitas sitotoksik dari ekstrak dan minyak atsiri rimpang C. mangga Val. secara in vitro terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF7. Ekstrak rimpang dibuat secara maserasi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana; sedangkan minyak atsiri dibuat melalui destilasi uap irisan rimpang selama 5 jam. Uji aktivitas sitotoksik in vitro dilakukan menggunakan metoda MTT Assay. Rendemen minyak dari ekstrak n-heksana rimpang C. mangga Val. adalah 1,15 x 10-2 % sedangkan rendemen minyak atsiri adalah 6,3 x 10-2 %. Hasil uji sitotoksik menghasilkan IC50 ekstrak 106,414 µg/ml (R2=0,9677) dan minyak atsiri 198,557 µg/ml (R2=0,8037). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak rimpang C. mangga Val. lebih sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF-7 daripada minyak atsirinya, karena kandungan ekstrak mayoritas diterpenoid (53,18%) sedangkan minyak atsiri mayoritas monoterpenoid (51,34%).THE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE ACTIVITIES OF CYTOTOXIC EXTRACTS AND ESSENTIAL OILS OF RHIZOME Curcuma mango Val. TOWARD MCF-7 CELLSCurcuma mangga Val. rhizome has been used as herbal anti breast cancer. Researches on cytotoxic activity towards breast cancer cells have been done especially to the rhizome’s essential oil; and only few researches done to the extract. However there is no cytotoxic activity comparation of the extract and essential oil towards breast cancer cells; even tough their substance contents are different. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the cytotoxic activity in vitro of the extract and essential oil of C. mangga Val. rhizomes towards breast cancer cells of MCF-7. The rhizome extract was prepared by maceration using N-hexane; while the essential oil was prepared by steam distillation for 5 hours of the sliced rhizomes. The in vitro cytotoxic test was carried out using MTT Assay. The yield of oil from rhizome extract was 1.15 x 10-2 %; while the yield of essential oil was 6.3 x 10-2 %. The IC50 of extract oil was 106.414 µg/ml (R2=0.9677) and the IC50 of essential oil was 198.557 µg/ml (R2=0.8037). It shows that rhizome extract of C. mangga Val. was more cytotoxic towards MCF-7 than the oil because the majority content of extract were diterpenoids (53.18%) while the oil were monoterpenoids (51.34%).
Purwanto, P., Cahyaningrum, P. K., & Sudibyo, R. S. (2021). PERBANDINGAN AKTIVITAS SITOTOKSIK EKSTRAK DAN MINYAK ATSIRI RIMPANG Curcuma mangga Val. TERHADAP SEL MCF-7. Jurnal Penelitian Saintek, 26(1), 85–94. https://doi.org/10.21831/jps.v26i1.39977
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