In the trial, in vitro HPTLC - High Performance Thin Layer Chomatography was used to determine the amount of 'free', i.e. unbound or non-decomposed T-2 toxin. Mean adsorption or degradation levels of T-2 toxin in examined feed aditives, in in vitro conditions, ranged from 26.06 to 34.84% and did not significantly differ among used adsorbents: inorganic (Minazel plus - Mz), organic (Mycosorb - Ms) and mixed (Micofyx - Mf). All these additives showed better adsorption ability in the acidic environment (pH3).In vitro ispitivanjem odredjivana je kolicina 'slobodnog' tj. nevezanog ili nerazgradjenog T-2 toksina tehnikom tankoslojne hromatografije (HPTLC - High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography). Prosecne vrednosti adsorpcije ili degradacije T-2 toksina ispitivanim adsorbentima u uslovima in vitro nisu se znacajnije razlikovale u zavisnosti da li je bio umesan neorganski (Minazel plus, Mz), organski (Mycosorb, Ms) ili mesoviti adsorbent (Micofyx, Mf) i iznosile su od 26,06 do 34,84%. Svi ispitivani adsorbenti su pokazali vecu sposobnost adsorpcije ovog toksina u kiseloj sredini (pH 3).
Nesic, V., Ostojin, M., Nesic, K., & Resanovic, R. (2009). Evaluation of the efficacy of different feed additives to adsorbe T-2 toxin in vitro. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (116), 55–59.
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