A prospective controlled, randomised clinical trial was initiated to evaluate the effect of abdominal wall bandaging with an elastic and strong adhesive material on the incidence on post-operative complications following colic surgery through a midline celiotomy. 188 Horses were included, that ad random were assigned into 2 groups based on the application of an abdominal bandage. The horses included survived at least 1 month after surgery and had adequate medical records. The post-operative incisional complications short term and long term were recorded. It was hypothesized that the application of an abdominal bandage following colic surgery through a midline celiotomy incision would significantly reduce the incidence of post-operative incisional complications. The application of a bandage had a significant positive effect in preventing postoperative edema (P<0.05): the horses with a bandage developed edema in 23.4% (n = 23) and the horses without a bandage in 51.1% (n = 45) of the cases. Wound discharge (transudate and purulent) occurred in 22% (n=38) of the horses. A slight effect of the bandage, although not significant, was found on wound discharge; in the group of horses with a bandage more transudative wounds were noticed: 1 1.2% (n = 11) versus 6% (n=5). No difference was found in the number of horses with purulent discharge: 12 (n = 12) versus 11% (n = 10) and total wound dehiscence did not occur. Of the 188 patients 13.9% (n = 25) of the horses developed a hernia and no difference in the frequency of occurrence of hernias as well the size of the hernia between the 2 groups was found. In conclusion: the use of bandages does not reduce the incidence of wound dehiscence and no effect was obtained in preventing incisional hernias. The application of a bandage postoperative has no advantages on wound healing other than preventing edema.
Rijkenhuizen, A. B. M. (2011). Abdominal bandage after colic surgery - Sense or nonsense? Pferdeheilkunde, 27(6), 636–641. https://doi.org/10.21836/PEM20110609
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