Digitization of Documented Ecg Signals using Image Processing

  • Karhe P
  • et al.
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In order to implement the heart disease prediction algorithms, the scanned ECG images need to be digitized. The ECG image digitization from ECG images deals with converting the ECG images in to digital format which can be processed by heart disease prediction algorithms. To present the Heart disease prediction algorithms, the digital signals can be directly applied. In this paper we have presented an effective ECG digitization technique using Dijikstraw’s shortest path algorithm. The scanned ECG images are oversampled 8 times. Then ECG curve is traced using Dijikstraw’s shortest path algorithm. The shortest path computed represents the scanned ECG signal in digitized form which can be directly used for heart disease prediction. The proposed method gives the accurate digitization by reducing the complications of the digitization process




Karhe, Prof. Rajesh. R., & Kale, Dr. S. N. (2019). Digitization of Documented Ecg Signals using Image Processing. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 1286–1289. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.a9634.109119

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