Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Weather Monitoring Systemusing Arduino for Smart Environment

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Weather forecasting is an essential predictive challenge that has depended primarily on model-based methods. Collection of data about the different weather parameters is needed a smart environment. Recent developments in machine learning (ML) made possible to collect the data. The data from input sensors is then read by Arduino, which acts as server. The sensors collect the data of various environmental parameters and provide it to Arduino, which act as a base station. It then transmits the data using WIFI and the processed data will be displayed on laptop through accessing the server that is on the receiver side. In this paper, new directions are explored with forecasting weather as a data intensive challenge that involves inferences across space and time. Machine Learningmakes predictions through a unique hybrid approach that combines discriminatively trained predictive models and a deep neural network. The Deep Learning algorithm utilized here is Value-Based – Temporal Difference Algorithm. This in turnmodels the joint statistics of a set of weather-related variables. It is shown that the base model can be enhanced with spatial interpolation that uses learned long-range spatial dependencies. An efficient learning and inference procedure is also devised, that allows for large scale optimization of the model parameters. The methods are evaluated with experiments on real-world meteorological data that highlight the promise of the approach.




Vignesh*, Mr. R. S., Sivakumar, Mr. A., … Yogapriya, Mrs. J. (2019). Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Weather Monitoring Systemusing Arduino for Smart Environment. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 4346–4350.

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