PT. Wonorejo Makmur Abadi has 5 work stations with the highest noise is found in the weaving work station. At the weaving work station, it uses 96 machines that operate for 24 hours and produces a noise level that exceeds the NAB of 96.5 dB. The intensity of noise that exceeds the NAB is one of the factors that cause health problems in workers. The impact of noise on work is fatigue and increases workload. This study aims to determine the effect of noise on workload and work fatigue in the weaving section at PT. Wonorejo Makmur Abadi. Subjects in this study were 42 people with the sampling technique used Slovin formula. Data collection techniques in this study are by directly measuring noise intensity at work, measuring workload with the CVL method, and measuring work fatigue with the IFRC questionnaire. The results of the workload calculation are 2 workers do not experience fatigue because they have a CVL value <30% and 40 workers get a classification needs to be improved because it has a CVL value between 30%-60%, and the results of the measurement of work fatigue are 15 workers with fatigue classification high, 22 workers with moderate fatigue classification and 5 workers with low fatigue classification. The proposed noise control is carried out using the Noise Hierarchy Controls approach. The approach is carried out with the analysis of elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and the provision of ear protection equipment, the proposal for workloads and work fatigue is the provision of an ergonomic chair for resting between working hours at the weaving station
Septio, Y. R., Suhardi, B., Astuti, R. D., & Adiasa, I. (2020). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan, Beban Kerja dan Kelelahan Kerja Bagian Weaving di PT. Wonorejo Makmur Abadi Sebagai Dasar untuk Perbaikan Proses Produksi. Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri, 19(1).
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