ABSTRAK Hipertensi dapat memicu berkembangnya penyakit lain, termasuk penyakit fatal seperti stroke. Menurut WHO, menyebutkan penderita hipertensi akan terus meningkat seiring dengan jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2025 mendatang diperkirakan sekitar 29% warga dunia terkena hipertensi. Tujuan pemberian terapi untuk mengetahui efektivitas sebelum dan setelah dilakukan rendam kaki air hangat dan massage pada pasien hipertensi. Metode asuhan keperawatan ini adalah mendeskripsikan dalam bentuk review kasus yang menganalisis suatu masalah asuhan keperawatan pada pasien yang mengalami hipertensi. Lokasi penelitian pasien (Ny.I) dilakukan di kotabumi. Hasil review kasus terhadap pasien ditemukannya keluhan Nyeri Kepala bagianbelakang. Pada penegakan diagnose Gangguan rasa nyaman: nyeri berhubungan dengan Peningkatan tekanan vaskuler serebral, Evaluasi kasus diagnose tersebut yaitu masalah gangguan rasa nyaman nyeri teratasi. Terapi non farmakologi rendam kaki air hangat dan massage terbukti dapat mengurangi 80% hipertensi serta mengatasi masalah keperawatan gangguan rasa nyaman nyeri. Diharapkan dapat menerapkan rendam kaki air hangat dan massage kaki kepada penderita hipertensi dan sebagai pengobatan alternative untuk menjaga nyeri. Kata Kunci: Rendam Kaki Air Hangat, Hipertensi, MassageABSTRACT Hypertension can trigger the occurrence of other diseases, including deadly diseases such as stroke. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people with hypertension will continue to increase along with the population in 2025, it is estimated that around 29% of the world's citizens are affected by hypertension. To be able to perform comprehensive” The Effectiveness Of Warm Feet Soap And Massage Therapy On Hypertension Clients With Nursing Problems Comfort Disorder: Pain In Kotabumi, 2021. This nursing care method is described in the form of a case review that analyzes a nursing care problem in patients with hypertension. The location of the patient's study (Mrs. I) was conducted in Kotabumi. The results of the case review on the patient found complaints of back pain. In establishing the diagnosis of Impaired sense of comfort: pain associated with increased cerebral vascular pressure, The evaluation of the diagnostic case is that the problem is resolved. Non-pharmacological therapy, foot soak in warm water, and massage have been shown to reduce hypertension and overcome nursing problems with discomfort and pain. It is hoped that they can apply warm water foot soaks and foot massages to people with hypertension as an alternative treatment to keep the pain away. Keywords: Warm Water Foot Soak, Hypertension, Massage
Alvaredo, M. K., Triyoso, T., & Zainaro, M. A. (2022). Efektifitas Terapi Rendam Kaki Air Hangat Dannmassage Pada Klien Hipertensiidengan Masalah Keperawatan Gangguan Rasa Nyaman Nyeri. JURNAL KREATIVITAS PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT (PKM), 5(6), 1945–1950. https://doi.org/10.33024/jkpm.v5i6.4734
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