International legal regulation of the employment of artificial-intelligence-related technologies in armed conflict

  • Lewis D
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INTRO D UCTIO N. In r e cent y ea rs, incr e as e d a tten ti o n h as be en d e dic a t e d a t t he intern a ti o n a l l e v e l t o l e gal i ss u e s c o ncernin g t he p o ss i b l e empl o yment o f a rtifici a l int e ll igence-r e l a t e d t e c h n o logi e s in ho s ti l iti e s in a rm e d c on fl i ct. M o st pr omi n e ntly, di scussi on s i n t he f r ame w ork o f t he C o n v enti o n o n Cert a in C o n v enti o n a l W ea p o ns (CCW) ha v e a ddr e ss e d juridic a l asp e cts r e l a ti v e t o emer g in g t e c h n o logi e s in t he a r ea o f l e t ha l a ut o n o m o u s w eapo ns syst ems. MATERIALS AND METHODS. I analyze contemporary intergovernmental debates in the context of the CCW, international legal frameworks pertaining to armed conflict, and developments in relevant technologies. I do so to trace current trajectories and generate an analytical framework to help apply legal responsibility. RESEARCH RES ULTS. A disagreement has arisen among certain States in the context of the CCW as to whether to develop a new primary legal norm or whether existing international humanitarian law is suffi ent. Taking account of that current normative impasse, I propose an analytical framework aimed at ensuring the applicability of international legal responsibility in respect of the employment of AI-related technologies in armed conflict. D ISCUSSIO N AND CO N CLUSIONS. Given t he r a nge o f r e l e v a nt t e c h n o logi e s, t he empl o yment o f AI in a rm e d c o nflict m a y o ccur a cr o ss diver s e t h em a tic a nd functi o n a l a r e as: n o t o nly in t he c o nduct o f ho s ti l iti e s, inc l udin g w ea p o ns, b ut a ls o d e tenti o n, h um a nit a ri a n servic e s, m a ritim e sys tems, a nd m a ny o t h er a r e as. Identific a ti o n o f t he gener a l c o nc e pts a nd sp e cific a ttri b ut e s n e c e ss a ry t o a pply intern a ti o n a l l e gal r e s p o nsi b i l ity a cr o ss t he a rr a y o f imp l ic a t e d a r e as m a y he lp pr o vid e a framework through which to respect the law, guide behavior, pursue accountability, and generate areas of greater normative consensus.




Lewis, D. (2020). International legal regulation of the employment of artificial-intelligence-related technologies in armed conflict. Moscow Journal of International Law, (2), 53–64.

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