Many kinds of spectral image formats are used for various applications, but there is still no existing standard format. Natural Vision data file format is one of the best possible candidates for the standard of spectral image format due to its flexibility to adapt to various kinds of existing image format and capacity to include information needed for each application. In biology, the analysis of huge datasets acquired by various techniques requires the use of specific databases. In order to be able to combine different data, defining a standard spectral image format that includes biological parameters is of prime importance. This paper describes an attempt to use Natural Vision data file format for spectral images related to biology and highlights the merits of Natural Vision data file format as an application oriented spectral image format. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.
Sakamoto, J., Dumont, J., Fauch, L., Keski-Saari, S., Granlund, L., Porali, I., … Hauta-Kasari, M. (2014). Natural vision data file format as a new spectral image format for biological applications. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 8509 LNCS, pp. 124–132). Springer Verlag.
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