PURPOSE: We compared the sural nerve morphology among Wistar (WR), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and Spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats, including the nerve fascicles and myelinated fibers morphometry. METHODS: Age matched (20 weeks) female WR (N=6), WKY (N=6) and SHR (N=7) had their right and left sural nerves removed, embedded in epoxy resin, and observed by light microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed with the aid of computer software. RESULTS: Despite presenting the same age, WR were heavier than WKY and SHR, as were SHR compared to WKY. Systolic arterial pressure was higher in SHR compared to WR, but no differences between SHR and WKY or WR and WKY were observed. The sural nerves were morphometrically symmetric between proximal and distal segments on the same side and between sides in all strains with no differences in the myelinated fiber number. Schwann cell number and density were smaller in SHR and G ratio was larger in SHR, indicating that SHR have thinner myelinated fibers. CONCLUSION: Sural nerve morphology is similar between WKY and WR, allowing the use of WR as the SHR controls in morphological investigations involving peripheral neuropathies.OBJETIVO: Comparar a morfologia do nervo sural em ratos Wistar (WR), Wistar Kyoto (WKY) e espontanemanete hipertensos (SHR), incluindo a morfometria dos fascículos e fibras mielínicas. MÉTODOS: Os nervos surais direito e esquerdo de WR (N=6), WKY (N=6) e SHR (N=7), com 20 semanas de idade foram removidos e preparados para inclusão em resina epóxi e microscopia de luz. A morfometria foi realizada com o auxílio de um programa de computador. RESULTADOS: Apesar de apresentarem a mesma idade, WR são mais pesados que os WKY e SHR. Ainda, SHR são mais pesados que os WKY. A pressão arterial sistólica foi significativamente maior nos SHR comparados aos WR, sem diferença entre WKY e SHR ou WR e WKY. Os nervos surais são morfometricamente simétricos entre segmentos proximal e distal e entre lados direto e esquerdo nas três diferentes linhagens, sem diferença no número de fibras mielínicas. O número e a densidade de células de Schwann foram menores e a razão G foi maior nos SHR, indicando a presença de fibras mielínicas com bainha mais fina. CONCLUSÃO: A morfologia do nervo sural é semelhante ente WR e WKY, permitindo o uso de WR como controles dos SHR nas investigações envolvendo neuropatias periféricas.
Sanada, L. S., Tavares, M. R., Neubern, M. C. M., Salgado, H. C., & Fazan, V. P. S. (2011). Can Wistar rats be used as the normotensive controls for nerve morphometry investigations in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)? Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 26(6), 514–520. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0102-86502011000600018
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