Abstrak Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 menyebabkan banyaknya perubahan pada berbagai sektor kegiatan masyarakat termasuk pada sektor pendidikan. Anak sekolah haru beradaptasi untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran secara daring dari rumah. Hal ini tentu berdampak pada proses belajar mengajar selama ini. Seiring dengan penurunan kasus terkonfirmasi Covid-19 dan perubahan Level di beberapa daerah di Indonesia, pembelajaran tatap muka pada anak sekolah mulai dilaksaksanakan. Hasil wawancara yang dilakukan pada orang tua yang anaknya akan sekolah mengatakan ada perasaan senang karena anak sudah mulai kembali sekolah, tetapi tidak sedikit yang mengatakan cemas karena Covid-19 belum seluruhnya selesai. Mereka takut anak mereka tertular saat di sekolah dan dapat menularkan pada keluarga di rumah. Upaya sosialisasi dan penyuluhan telah dilakukan oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Puskesmas namun orang tua masih khawatir dengan kondisi anak yang sekolah saat ini. Pendekatan pendidikan kesehatan pada keluarga dapat dilakukan agar orang tua mengetahui kondisi sekolah dan penyelenggaran pendidikan yang aman pada new normal. Kata Kunci: Anak Sekolah, Covid-19, Pengetahuan, New Normal, Abstract The spread of the Covid-19 virus has caused many changes in various sectors of community activity, including the education sector. School children must adapt to carry out online learning from home. This certainly has an impact on the teaching and learning process so far. Along with the decline in confirmed cases of Covid-19 and changes in levels in several regions in Indonesia, face-to-face learning for school children has begun to be implemented. The results of interviews conducted with parents whose children are going to school said that they felt happy because their children had started going back to school, but not a few said they were worried because Covid-19 had not been completely finished. They are afraid that their children will catch it at school and can infect their family at home. Socialization and counseling efforts have been carried out by the Department of Education and Culture and the Puskesmas, but parents are still worried about the condition of their children currently attending school. The approach to health education in the family can be done so that parents know the condition of schools and the implementation of safe education in the new normal. Keywords: School Children, Covid-19, Knowledge, New Normal
Saferi Wijaya, A., & Riayadi, A. (2022). PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN KELUARGA DALAM MENURUNKAN KECEMASAN ORANGTUA DALAM MEMPERSIAPKAN SEKOLAH ANAK DI MASA NEW NORMAL COVID-19. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PUSTINGKIA, 1(I), 38–45. https://doi.org/10.33088/jpustingkia.v1ii.107
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