Indonesia have 34 provinces and 17,504 island, five main islands or large island were Sumatera island, Java island, Borneo island, Sulawes island, and Papua island. Have as many as 34 provinces and 17,504 small island located in Indonesia. That 34 provinces stretch from Sabang to Marauke. The country is very broad and rich of Potential Natural Resources (SDA), especially in agriculture. Most of the abundant potential in isolated areas can not be used optimally by rural area communities. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muladno, MSA, as a General Director of Livestock and Animal's Health, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, has been initiated a national program that will be implemented by all governments of existing farms across Indonesia. That program was Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR). SPR is an organization that facilitate the applicative, participatory, systematic, and structured learning process to realize the independent and sovereignty of the stock man by providing access of information, science, and technology, also strengthening the control of production and post-production of livestock. Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) was initiated in 2012. Currently there were 11 of SPR sites that have been formed among the islands in Indonesia, that sites were South Sumatra (Sungai Lilin, OKI, and Banyuasin), Tasikmalaya, Madura, Jombang, Bojonegoro (Kasiman, Kedung Adem, and Temayang), South Kalimantan, and West Nusa Tenggara (Sumbawa). In those sites already starting to do the movement and under the protection of the Government as well as the role of higher education that involves the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). In achieving the program, SPR created mentoring programs through the expert and college student. College student as an agent of change have an important role in this national movement. Especially students who study agricultural science, especially Animal Science. Creative idea and real action of college student through education aims to share knowledge and learn from each other, and also share experience to rural area communities. College student have an important role in social sustainability and food security because college students are drivers and facilitator in the passage of society empowerment programs in rural area.
Agatha, M. A., & Ayuningtyas, N. M. (2016). STUDENT’S REAL MOVEMENT FOR BETTER INDONESIA’S FARM. IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 2(4), 146.
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