Analisis Perbedaan Tick Size dan Risiko Saham Sebelum dan Sesudah Reverse Stock Split di Bursa Efek Indonesia

  • Chairunis C
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Harga saham yang rendah sering diindikasikan sebagai kinerja yang kurang baik dari sebuah perusahaan. Harga saham tersebut dinilai kurang menarik bagi investor dan mengakibatkan menurunnya aktifitas perdagangan saham. Untuk meningkatkan aktifitas perdagangan, maka perlu dilakukan sebuah aksi korporasi, salah satunya adalah reverse stock split. Reverse stock split bertujuan mengembalikan harga saham pada kisaran wajar. Sehingga memberikan kesan bonafit dan menarik bagi investor untuk melakukan jual beli saham. Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut maka penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat ada atau tidak perbedaan pada tick size dan risiko saham sebelum dan sesudah reverse stock split. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder perusahaan yang melakukan reverse stock split di Bursa Efek Indonesia yang diperoleh dari website dan situs resmi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini analisis komparatif. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 21 perusahaan yang melakukan reverse stock split di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2005-2014 dengan 1 perusahaan melakukan 2 kali reverse stock split sepanjang periode pengamatan sehingga terdapat 16 sampel perusahaan yang memenuhi kriteria populasi sasaran. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan tick size dan risiko saham sebelum dan sesudah reverse stock split. Hipotesis penelitian diuji dengan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test menggunakan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 5% (0,05) karena data tidak berdistribusi secara normal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tick size sebelum dan sesudah reverse stock split dan tidak terdapat perbedaan risiko saham sebelum dan sesudah reverse stock split   Low stock prices are often indicated as a company's poor performance. The stock price is considered less attractive to investors and resulted in a decline in stock trading activities. To increase trading activities, a corporate action is needed, one of which is a reverse stock split. Reverse stock split aims to return stock prices at a reasonable range. So that it gives a bona fide and attractive impression for investors to buy and sell shares. Regarding to this matter, this study tried to see whether there was a difference in the tick size and risk of stocks before and after the reverse stock split. This study used secondary data of companies that conducted reverse stock splits on the Indonesia Stock Exchange obtained from websites and official sites. The method used in this study was comparative analysis. In this study, there were 21 companies that conducted a reverse stock split on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2005-2014, with 1 company do 2 times a reverse stock split during the observation period. So that there were 16 samples of companies that met the criteria of the target population. The hypothesis in this study was that there were differences in the tick size and risk of stocks before and after the reverse stock split. The research hypothesis was tested with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test using a significance level of 5% (0.05) because the data were not normally distributed. The results showed that there were differences in the tick size before and after the reverse stock split and there were no differences in stock risk before and after the reverse stock split.




Chairunis, C. (2018). Analisis Perbedaan Tick Size dan Risiko Saham Sebelum dan Sesudah Reverse Stock Split di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA), 1(1), 170–177.

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