Intervensi untuk Mengurangi Depresi Postpartum

  • Solehati T
  • Sriati A
  • Kosasih C
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Depressi Postpartum sering terjadi setelah melahirkan yang terjadi akibat adanya Riwayat gangguan dysphoric premenstrual sebelumnya, stres psikososial, dan dukungan sosial yang tidak memadai bagi ibu. Diperlukan intervensi untuk mencegah terjadinya depressi postpartum selama masa kehamilan, persalinan dan postpartum. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui intervensi yang efektif dalam mencegah depresi post partum. Metode pencarian literature secara komprehensif dilakukan  melalui Database EBSCO ditermukan 6.620 artikel dan sciendierect 21.163 artikel. Setelah melakukan penyaringan, diperolah 5 artikel yang memenuhi syarat.  Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat lima intervensi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kondisi depresi postpostpartum, antara lain: terapi pendidikan terstruktur, terapi thought stopping, terapi managing our mood (MOM), terapi relaksasi musik, dan intervensi pemberian suplemen zat besi. Kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa terapi pendidikan terstruktur, terapi thought stopping, terapi managing our mood (MOM), terapi relaksasi music, dan intervensi pemberian suplemen zat besi efektif dalam mencegah atau mengurangi depresi post partum. Kata kunci: depresi postpartum, intervensi, pencegahan INTERVENTION TO REDUCE POST-PARTUM DEPRESSION ABSTRACTPostpartum depression often occurs after childbirth, which results from a history of previous premenstrual dysphoric disorders, psychosocial stress, and inadequate social support for the mother. Interventions are needed to prevent postpartum depression during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. The aim of the study was to find out effective interventions in preventing post-partum depression. A comprehensive literature search was carried out through the EBSCO Database found 6,620 articles and 21,163 ScienceDirect articles. After screening, 5 articles were obtained which fulfilled the requirements. There were five interventions that could be carried out to reduce post-postpartum depression, including structured educational therapy, thought stopping therapy, managing our mood (MOM) therapy, music relaxation therapy, and iron supplementation interventions. This study can be concuded that structured educational therapy, thought stopping therapy, managing our mood (MOM) therapy, music relaxation therapy, and iron supplementation interventions are effective in preventing or reducing post-partum depression. Keywords: intervention, prevention, post-partum depression




Solehati, T., Sriati, A., & Kosasih, C. E. (2020). Intervensi untuk Mengurangi Depresi Postpartum. Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa, 8(2), 177.

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