Modeling of properties of fiber reinforced cement composites

  • Jevtic D
  • Zakic D
  • Savic A
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This paper presents the results of authors' laboratory testing of the influence of steel fibers as fiber reinforcement on the change of properties of cement composite mortar and concrete type materials. Mixtures adopted - compositions of mortars had identical amounts of components: cement, sand and silica fume. The second type of mortar contained 60 kg/m3 of fiber reinforcement, as well as the addition of the latest generation of superplasticizer. Physical and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced mortars and etalon mixtures (density, flexural strength, compressive strength) were compared. Tests on concrete type cement composites included: density, mechanical strengths and the deformation properties. The tests showed an improvement in the properties of fiber reinforced composites.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati sopstvenih laboratorijskih ispitivanja u kojima se istrazuje uticaj celicnih vlakana kao mikroarmature na promenu svojstava cementnih kompozita tipa maltera i betona. Ispitivane su mesavine - kompoziti tipa maltera koji su imali konstantan (identican) sadrzaj cementa, peska i silikatne prasine. Druga vrsta maltera - kompozita sadrzala je 60 kg/m3 celicnih vlakana kao i jedan superplastifikator. Ispitivane su fizicko-mehanicke karakteristike kako mikroarmiranih maltera, tako i etalona (zapreminska masa, cvrstoca pri savijanju, cvrstoca pri pritisku). Ispitivanja na kompozitima tipa betona ukljucila su odredjivanje zapreminske mase, mehanicke cvrstoce i deformaciona svojstva. Ispitivanja su pokazala poboljsanje svojstava mikroarmiranih kompozita.




Jevtic, D., Zakic, D., & Savic, A. (2008). Modeling of properties of fiber reinforced cement composites. Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 6(2), 165–172.

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