Thick, relatively homogeneous basal tills exposed in the drumlins and flutes of the Weedsport drumlin and flute field in New York State exhibit anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and pebble fabrics that are consistently oriented parallel to the streamlined bedforms. The pebble fabrics and AMS fabrics are concordant. In this study, six drumlins and five flutes were sampled. Thermally induced, incremental reduction of isothermal remanent magnetization indicates that AMS is caused by primarily elongate maghaemite grains. The orientations of principal axes of maximum susceptibility (k 1) are generally parallel to pebble long-axis orientations, and tend to plunge mildly up-glacier. Fabric directions are generally parallel to drumlin long-axis orientations, but deviate by 12°-23° from flute directions. Fabrics of the flutes are stronger and more unidirectional than those of the drumlins. These results support the use of AMS as a fast and objective method for characterizing fabrics in tills, and suggest hypotheses about basal processes linked to glacially streamlined landforms. © 2011 The Authors. Boreas © 2011 The Boreas Collegium.
Gentoso, M. J., Evenson, E. B., Kodama, K. P., Iverson, N. R., Alley, R. B., Berti, C., & Kozlowski, A. (2012). Exploring till bed kinematics using AMS magnetic fabrics and pebble fabrics: The Weedsport drumlin field, New York State, USA. Boreas, 41(1), 31–41.
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