Provenance has been used as a measure of accountability, trust, and validity. Within the context of Command and Control (C2), provenance can be utilized to track the decision making processes that change data and dependencies. C2 of several unmanned autonomous vehicles provide a complex and ever-changing battlespace, with many actors and decision makers. The goal of this paper is to track and explain the autonomous decisions made by an intelligent C2 station based on its interactions with various systems using provenance. With provenance providing explanations and reasoning behind the actions of autonomy, a form of system accountability and transparency is achieved between human and machine.
Lucero, C., Coronado, B., Gustafson, E., & Lange, D. S. (2018). Tracking provenance in decision making between the human and autonomy. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 10906 LNAI, pp. 171–180). Springer Verlag.
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