이채연 1) * · 안승만 2) · 김규랑 3) · 권혁기 1) · 민재식 1) 1) 한국외국어대학교 차세대도시농림융합기상사업단, 2) 국토연구원 주택 · 토지연구본부, 3) 국립기상과학원 응용기상연구과 Abstract Air temperature deviation (ATD) is one of major indicators to represent spatial distribution of urban heat island (UHI), which is induced from the urbanization. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of air temperature deviation about Climate Analysis Seoul (CAS) workbench, which had developed by National Institute Meteorological Science and TU Berlin. Comparison and correlation analysis for CAS ATD including meso-scale air temperature deviation, local-scale air temperature deviation, total air temperature deviation, surface heat flux deviation, cold air production deviation among meso-scale numerical modelling variable in 'Seoul Region', micro-scale numerical modelling in 'Detail Region', and CAS work-bench variable using observation data in ground stations. Comparison between night time OBS ATD and CAS ATD show that have most close values. Most of observations (dT max and dT min) have highly positive (dT SHP , dT CA , MD, TD, f BS , f US , f WS , h B) and negative (f VS , f TV , h V , Z) correlations. However, CAS workbench needs further improvement of both observational framework and analytical framework to resolve the problems; (1) night time OBS ATD of has closer values in compare with at high rise mountain area and (2) correlations are very dependable to meteorological scale.
Yi, C., An, S. M., Kim, K., Kwon, H., & Min, J.-S. (2016). Surface Micro-Climate Analysis Based on Urban Morphological Characteristics: Temperature Deviation Estimation and Evaluation. Atmosphere, 26(3), 445–459. https://doi.org/10.14191/atmos.2016.26.3.445
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