The culture that sticks to your skin : a manifesto for a new cultural studies ; Defining popular culture / Henry Jenkins, Tara McPherson, Jane Shattuc -- Daytime utopias : if you lived in Pine Valley, you'd be home / Elayne Rapping -- Cardboard patriarchy : adult baseball card collecting and the nostalgia for a presexual past / John Bloom -- Virgins for Jesus : the gender politics of therapeutic Christian fundamentalist media / Heather Hendershot -- "Do we look like Ferengi capitalists to you?" : Star Trek's Klingons as emergent virtual American ethnics / Peter A. Chvany -- The empress's new clothing? : public intellectualism and popular culture / Jane Shattuc -- "My beautiful wickedness" : The wizard of Oz as lesbian fantasy / Alexander Doty -- "Ceci n'est pas une jeune fille" : videocams, representation, and "othering" in the worlds of teenage girls / Gerry Bloustien -- "No matter how small?" : the democratic imagination of Dr. Seuss / Henry Jenkins -- An auteur in the age of the internet : JMS, Babylon 5, and the net / Alan Wexelblat -- "I'm a loser baby" : zines and the creation of underground identity / Stephen Duncombe -- "Anyone can do it" : forging a participatory culture in karaoke bars / Robert Drew -- Watching wrestling/ writing performance / Sharon Mazer -- Mae West's maids : race, "authenticity," and the discourse of camp / Pamela Robertson Wojcik -- "They dig her message" : opera, television, and the Black diva / Dianne Brooks -- How to become a camp icon in five easy lessons : fetishism- and Tallulah Bankhead's phallus / Edward O'Neill -- "It will get a terrific laugh" : on the problematic pleasures and politics of Holocaust humor / Louis Kaplan -- The sound of disaffection / Tony Grajeda -- Corruption, criminality, and the nickelodeon / Roberta E. Pearson, William Uricchio -- "Racial cross-dressing" in the jazz age : cultural therapy and its discontents in cabaret nightlife / Nicholas M. Evans -- The invisible burlesque body of La Guardia's New York / Anna McCarthy -- Quarantined! : a case study of Boston's combat zone / Eric Schaefer, Eithne Johnson -- On thrifting / Matthew Tinkcom, Joy Van Fuqua, Amy Villarejo -- Shopping sense : Fanny Fern and Jennie June on consumer culture in the nineteenth century / Elana Crane -- Navigating myst-y landscapes : killer applications and hybrid criticism / Greg M. Smith -- The rules of the game : Evil dead II meet thy doom / Angela Ndalianis -- Seeing in black and white : gender and racial visibility from Gone with the wind to Scarlet Tara McPherson -- "The last truly British people you will ever know" : skinheads, Pakis, and Morrissey / Nabeel Zuberi -- Finding one's way home : I dream of Jeannie and diasporic identity / Maria Koundoura -- As Canadian as possible : Anglo-Canadian popular culture and the American other / Aniko Bodroghkozy -- Wheels of fortune : nation, culture, and the Tour de France / Catherine Palmer -- Narrativizing cyber-travel : CD-ROM travel games and the art of historical recovery / Ellen Strain -- Hotting, twocking, and indigenous shipping : a vehicular theory of knowledge in cultural studies / John Hartley -- "Ain't I de one everybody come to see?!" : popular memories of Uncle Tom's cabin / Robyn R. Warhol -- Stress management ideology and the other spaces of women's power / Kathleen Green -- "Have you seen this child?" : from milk carton to mise-en-abime / Eric Freedman -- Introducing horror / Charles E. Weigl.
Chapman, O. (2005). Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture. Canadian Journal of Communication, 30(1), 157–158.
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