Erinlik dönemi olarak adlandırılan ön ergenlik dönemi, biyolojik ve psikolojik açıdan bireylerin hayatlarında hızlı bir değişim yaşadığı dönemdir. Soyut düşüncenin geliştiği bu dönemde dini olgulara yaklaşımlar da farklılaşmaktadır. Ayrıca bireyin hayata bakış açısı değişmekte; değişen bedenine, sosyal konumuna karşın yeni korku ve kaygılar oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada erinlik döneminde yaşanılan korku ve kaygılar ile din arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda erinlik döneminin genel özellikleri, korku ve kaygılar ile dine karşı yaklaşımlar hakkında literatür çalışması yapılmıştır. Karma desende yapılan araştırmada yapılandırılmış mülakat soruları kullanılmıştır. Nicel veri toplama araçları olarak çocuk anksiyete duyarlılığı, korku tarama ölçeği ile birlikte öznel dindarlık sorusunun da dahil edildiği kişisel bilgi formu oluşturulmuştur. Ankete 10-15 yaş arası 388 kişi katılmış; 17 kişi yaş sınırının dışında olduğu için veri setinden çıkartılmıştır. Mülakata ise 20 erkek 30 kız ve en çok 12-13 yaş arası (%52) bireyler katılmıştır. Ankete 220 kız, 151 erkek olmak üzere yaş ortalaması olarak yine 12-13 aralığında 195 kişi (M=12,49) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada, erinlik dönemi bireylerin objelere, imgelere, dini olgulara, toplumsal sorunlara, akademik başarıya ve geleceğe dair korku ve kaygılarının olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Korku ve kaygılarının Covid 19 pandemi süreci veya sınav türleri gibi yaşadıkları döneme göre şekillendiği anlaşılmıştır. Bireylerin korku ve kaygılarına yönelik olarak başa çıkma stilleri geliştirdikleri; bunların arasında dua etme, Allah’a sığınma, güvenme gibi dini içerikli olguların da olduğu görülmüştür. Buna göre bu araştırma sonucunda korku ve kaygının azaltılmasında dinin önemli bir fonksiyon icra ettiği anlaşılmıştır.The period of pre-adolescence, called the era of Puberty, is a period of rapid change in the lives of individuals in biological and psychological terms. In this period, approaches to religious phenomena could be different. In addition, the individual's view of life is changing; it creates new fears and concerns against its changing body and social position. When there is a particular object in fears, concerns are generally objectively free. Fear and anxiety are feelings that exist in people's jokes and protect them from various dangers or negatives. These feelings increase with the mental development process and different fears and anxieties emerge with the first adolescence period. This study aims to examine the relations between the fear and anxiety and religion that were enduring the period of plumbing. The purpose of the study was to study literature on the general characteristics of the period of puberty, fear and anxiety, and approaches to religion. Structured interview questions were used in the research carried out in the hybrid pattern. As quantitative data collection tools, a personal information form has been created, including child anxiety sensitivity, fear scanning scale, and the question of subjective religiosity. The survey included 388 people between the ages of 10-15 and was removed from the dataset because 17 people were outside the age limit. The interview was attended by 20 boys, 30 girls and up to 12-13 years of age (52%). The survey found that there were 195 people (M=12,49) in the range of 12-13 again, with an average age of 220 girls and 151 men. Our research found that the CMO value was 0,87 and that the research was sufficient in terms of sampling. The anxiety scale Cronbach alpha has been determined to be 0,96. The KMO value on the horror scale is 0,93; the Cronbach alpha value is 0,81. Our dataset consists of 371 people surveyed, 50 people interviewing, and 421 people in total. In this study, the period of puberty is that individuals have objects, visions, religious facts and social problems, The research found that demographic features have an impact on fear and anxiety. It has been determined that individuals have fears and concerns about academic achievements and the future. It has been seen that individuals have developed coping styles for fear and anxiety, including religious subjects such as prayer, asylum in Allah, trust, and so on. As a result of the study, girls have a higher level of anxiety and fear averages than men. Imam Hatip Secondary School's students high anxiety compared to those who read in middle school, while those with low income had high rates of fear. The average of the people who read in class 6. have a higher avarage of fear than who read in the 8. And younger ones have a higher average of fear. The participants often described themselves as religious; Allah's forgiveness and compassion is predominantly stated. Participants who expressed their prayers frequently included requests to be predominantly healthy, ending Covid 19, being successful in LGS and school exams. Qualitative research data showed that individuals in the period of quenched have various fears and concerns; especially their responsibilities, loved ones and concerns about the future. Although they say that fear and anxiety about religious beliefs are not often present, it has been understood that there are fears and concerns such as not being able to do the task of being a servant for Allah, getting away from religion, committing sin and going to hell. it was understood that Allah's creative and sublime direction was at the forefront; that there was a presence that was feared and feared not to get his consent. as a result of quantitative research in this study, the mercy and forgiveness of Allah were at the forefront, while the fear of Allah, His glory and creativity were higher in qualitative research. It has been determined that their fear and anxiety is shaped according to their period of life, such as the Covid 19 pandemic process or exam types. While the participants prayed to get away from fear and anxiety, it was revealed that they had taken various ways to think positive, hobbies. It was seen that prayer, asylum in Allah, has been effective in purifying fear and anxiety, as religious has been effective in reducing anxiety. The results showed that the participants have applied positive coping and positive religious submissions to avoid fear and anxiety. According to this research, it was understood that religion performed an important function in reducing fear and anxiety. Practical research on the subject will contribute to the field.
BAYNAL, F. (2021). Erinlik (Ön Ergenlik) Dönemi Korku, Kaygı ve Din İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Bilimname, (45), 261–299.
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