Decreased serum thyroid hormone concentrations in severely ill patients were first reported in the 1970s, but the functional meaning of the observed changes in thyroid hormone levels, together known as nonthyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS), remains enigmatic. Although the common view was that NTIS results in overall down-regulation of metabolism in order to save energy, recent work has shown a more complex picture. NTIS comprises marked variation in transcriptionalandtranslational activityofgenesinvolvedinthyroidhormonemetabolism, rangingfrom inhibition to activation, dependent on the organ or tissue studied. Illness-induced changes in each of these organs appear to be very different during acute or chronic inflammation, adding an additional level of complexity. Organand timing-specific changes in the activity of thyroid hormone deiodinating enzymes (deiodinase types 1, 2, and 3) highlight deiodinases as proactive players in the response to illness, whereas the granulocyte is a novel and potentially important cell type involved in NTIS during bacterial infection. Although acute NTIS can be seen as an adaptive response to support the immune response, NTIS may turn disadvantageous when critical illness enters a chronic phase necessitatingprolongedlifesupport.Forinstance, changesinthyroidhormonemetabolisminmuscleduringcritical illness mayberelevantforthepathogenesisofmyopathyassociatedwithprolongedventilatordependence.Thisreviewfocuses on NTIS as a timing-related and organ-specific response to illness, occurring independently from the decrease in serum thyroid hormone levels and potentially relevant for disease progression. © 2011 by The Endocrine Society.
Boelen, A., Kwakkel, J., & Fliers, E. (2011, October 1). Beyond low plasma T 3: Local thyroid hormone metabolism during inflammation and infection. Endocrine Reviews.
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