The revolution of Internet of Things facilitates innumerable dimensionalities over industrial, home, and business uses. The amalgamation of sensors and manhandling devices with existing infrastructure makes the process proficient and reduces the manpower processing time. The novel smart traffic signal system is proposed using smart server with cloud-oriented infrastructure to improve the signal processing time in road intersection traffic signal post that reduces the waiting time, jamming, and contamination. This proposed approach also observes the vehicle mobility to change the signal for providing the way and also used to track vehicles. This tracking process would be utilized to find vehicles that are involved in illegal transportation and accident due to high speed. Genetic algorithm is proposed to observe multi-location data and analyze single-point well-designed decision using vehicles queue at four-direction roadway signal intersection. The experiments have been demonstrated with Arduino Uno kit and evaluated the smart traffic signal system by comparing with normal traffic system. The results show that proposed system facilitates hassle-free travel by decreasing the waiting time for the green signal and accidents.
Kuppusamy, P., Kamarajapandian, P., Sabari, M. S., & Nithya, J. (2018). Design of smart traffic signal system using internet of things and genetic algorithm. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 645, pp. 395–403). Springer Verlag.
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