Having as reference the bourgeois families, civil servants and employees of Provincial Administration of León, we have studied the consumption history focusing on external appearances such as clothes, jewelry, objects made of silver or gold, etc., according to the different levels of wealth, professions, places where they lived (cities or villages), gender... We have observed several tendencies of consumption among the families above mentioned. Thus liberal professions and employees of administration, were quickly interested in the new trends, as much jewelry as clothes. In contrast, commercial families will imitate these trends much later but in a more intensive way, over all from thirties of the nineteenth century.
Bartolomé Bartolomé, J. M. (2015, December 1). Consumos y apariencias externas de las familias de la burguesía Leonesa (1700-1850). Studia Historica, Historia Moderna. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. https://doi.org/10.14201/shhmo201537269290
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