The production and demand of tilapia (O. niloticus) in some countries continue to increase but are not matched by good growth quality. Several methods have been used to increase growth, such as the use of synthetic hormones and radiation, however, the methods require such a high cost. Thus it needs to be investigated the potential replacement with natural prooduct. Papaya leaf contains papain enzyme thought to be able to improve the growth performance of fish body weight through the conversion of proteins into amino acids. The purpose of this study was to investigate the growth performance of tilapia (O. niloticus) fish that were given papaya meal (C. papaya) treatments. The concentrations pellet with papaya meal respectively T1(feed with 0 grams of papaya leaf meal), T2 (administration of papaya leaf meal with 1.25 g/kg feed), T3 (administration of papaya leaf meal with 1.75 g/kg feed), T4 (administration of papaya leaf meal with 2 g/kg feed), T5 (administration of papaya leaf meal with 2.25 g/kg feed). Parameters analyzed included: absolute length growth, absolute weight, specific growth rate, FCR survival rate and, water quality. The results showed that the highest weight growth of tilapia fed with the administration of papaya leaf meal was found at T4 of 21.23 grams. In the specific weight, the optimal treatment was found in T4 with a percentage of 20.97%. In the length growth of tilapia, it was known that the T1, T4 and T5 had highest lengths when compared to other treatments and the highest survival rate of tilapia (O. niloticus) was in the T2, T3, T5 treatments of 73%. The optimal FCR value was found in the T4 treatment of 1.14. 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