The “Follonica-Scarlino Aquifer” case study is run within the H2020 FREEWAT project by Regione Toscana as partner of aninternational consortium. FREEWAT aims at promoting water resourcemanagement by simplifying the application of the Water FrameworkDirective and other EU water related Directives. The tool used to reachthis target is an open source and public domain GIS integrated modelingenvironment for the simulation of water quantity and quality insurface water and groundwater. The case study area is located in acoastal plain in the Southern part of Tuscany (Italy) and the aquifersystem is affected by various issues: in particular, the numerical modelcreated through FREEWAT platform was used to study the problem ofaquifer over-exploitation. The deficit in quantity of the water resourceis mainly caused by the huge industrial and agricultural abstractions,but drinking water supply during the summer season is also notable.The participatory approach, included in the FREEWAT project, becameof crucial importance to gather the huge amount of data about theaquifer system and to create a shared knowledge about water resource.It was carried out through seven focus groups and led the stakeholdersto reach an agreement about the scenarios to be explored with FREEWATsoftware platform. Focus Group 1 to 3 were used to identify thecase study objectives. Focus Groups 4 to 6 allowed to assess the watermanagement issues and select the scenarios. The community chose two ofthe four scenarios that came out from the focus group meetings. Simulationscorresponding to these two scenarios have shown, the effectiveness ofthe proposed technical solutions for achieving the objectives set out in theRiver Basin Management Plan of the Northern Apennines District. Atthe end of the focus group cycle, useful suggestions and feedbacks camefrom stakeholders, to set up a new kind of water management. Someexperts working for local industries expressed their interest in using theFREEWAT open source platform as professional modeling tool
Positano, P., & Nannucci, M. (2017). The H2O20 FREEWAT participated approach for the Follonica-Scarlino aquifer case study. A common space to generate shared knowledge on the value of water. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 6(3), 27–38.
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