The Returns to Lobbying: Evidence from Local Governments in the “Age of Earmarks”

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I measure the returns to lobbying for US local governments in terms of federal earmarks. Because a local government’s decision to lobby may be endogenous to receiving an earmark, I instrument for lobbying with local housing prices. Since the time period of my analysis covers the Housing Crisis, I argue that the variation in housing prices over this time was largely exogenous to federal earmark distributions. The strong correlation that I find between housing price growth rates and lobbying provides evidence that local governments lobbied to buffer against impending property tax losses. I find no evidence that lobbying is associated with increased earmark awards overall. However, conditional on selection into receiving an earmark, I do find evidence that lobbying served to increase the size of earmark awards.




Gordon, S. (2019). The Returns to Lobbying: Evidence from Local Governments in the “Age of Earmarks.” Public Finance Review, 47(5), 893–924.

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