Mammalianorthoreoviruses(MRVs)areknownto cause mild entericandrespiratory infections in humans.They are widespreadandinfect a broad spectrumofmammals. Wereport here thefirst case of anMRVdetected in a child with acute gastroenteritis, whichshowedthe highest similarity to anMRVreported recently in European bats.Anexaminationof a stool sample from the child was negative for mostcommon viralandbacterial pathogens.Reovirusparticles were identified by electronmicroscopic examinationofboth the stool suspension andcell culture supernatant.Thewhole-genome sequence was obtained with the IonTorrentnext- generation sequencingplatform.Prior to sequencing, the stool sample suspension andcell culture supernatantwere pretreated with nucleases and/or the convective interactionmedium(CIM) monolithic chromatographicmethod to purifyandconcentrate the target viral nucleic acid.Whole-genomesequence analysis revealed that the SlovenianSI-MRV01isolate was most similar to anMRVfound in a bat in Germany.High similarity was shared in all genomesegments, with nucleotide andaminoacid identities between 93.8 to 99.0%and98.4 to 99.7%, respectively.It wasshownthatCIMmonolithic chromatography alone is an efficientmethod for enriching the sample inviral particles before nucleic acid isolationandnext- generation sequencing application.© 2013, American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.
Steyer, A., Gutiérrez-Aguire, I., Kolenc, M., Koren, S., Kutnjak, D., Pokorn, M., … Toplak, N. (2013). High similarity of novel orthoreovirus detected in A child hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis to mammalian orthoreoviruses found in bats in Europe. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51(11), 3818–3825.
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