Research on the impact of childhood coping strategies in academics and adolescence lives of students using data mining

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The role of a counsellor in educational institutions revolves mostly around academic and behavioural issues. The aim of this study is to identify common sources of stress among adolescence students and to determine the impact of coping strategies practised by the students in academics and life in general. The association between adolescent life, geographical location, stress sources, and coping strategies is explored in this work. Diverse factors contribute to stress, agitation and academic performanceamong students. The major factors that were considered for this study are regional and familial backgrounds of the students, their gender, residential status, communication skills, the five childhood coping strategies and their influence in the campus life. Counselling sessions were conducted for the students and the empirical data is classified using data mining techniques to analyze the factors that contribute to the behavioural aspects of the students.




Vallikala, S., Geetha, V., & Jalaja Jayalakshmi, V. (2019). Research on the impact of childhood coping strategies in academics and adolescence lives of students using data mining. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 2), 404–408.

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